
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pictures from Tumblr.

Together as one.

 One day.

Never stop smiling. 


Just being random. Anyway, Left with 2 paper for UT2.
I really hope I do well for UT2 and also cheer test 2.
Shall do well and make sure I do what I learn during
the test. And July is also coming to an end. My July
goal for the Abs challenge is ending soon. I can say that
I'm good enough that I did what I need despite my
busy schedule but I didn't really eat clean for this month.
Will continue doing core workout through July is
coming to an end. The abs I have now is ...
Anw, I'm also trying hard to stretch more so I can be
more flexible. I need/have/must press on!
Coming August will be a very busy month. Hope I will
be able to cope. Goodnight x


  1. Work hard. Not to forget that having enough rest helps as well, Cause your body need time to recover, must rest enough okay:)
